Judah was born four weeks ago today at 3:57
AM. He weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and was 20.5 inches long. He arrived quickly, before the doctor could even get there, but was happy and healthy from the start.

His timing was impeccable. Shelby had just completed her last day of work and had her final baby shower the day before. I had just finished work for the week. We had successfully wrapped up the loose ends that needed resolution. We were as ready as we would ever be.

He was, and still is, perfect. A tiny little human being. Alive. The life that had been growing in our birthmom's womb was now in our arms. We had been around him so many times, never able to imagine what he might possibly be like, and then all of a sudden, there he was. Exactly who he is.

Our time at the hospital couldn't have gone smoother. The nursing staff was so helpful and gracious to us. Judah's birthmom wanted us to be a part of as much as we could and she did an amazing job. Her family came to the hospital and we were all able to enjoy some time together and with Judah before it was time to come home.

There were so many details to work out, so many things that didn't have to go smoothly that did. Signing papers went off without a hitch. We were able to get Judah insured and into a doctor very quickly. Our adoption petition went to a judge the day after we got home and has already been approved. The only thing remaining is our post-placement visit.

I've been back to work now for one full week, plus a handful of days before then. School has started, and we're trying to figure out the new normal. I've wanted to write for sometime, but just haven't been able to. Even doing this right now feels like a chore. Every time I sit down to write, there is a little boy nearby that I'd rather spend time with. I know there are some of you not connected to us on facebook who have been waiting for news and pictures and updates, so this is for you.

Life is very good. Parenthood is a most amazing gift. God has proved not only faithful, but so generous to us in this time, answering our prayers with yesses too many times to count.

Perhaps I'll write more about this journey later. I'm sure there is much that could be said. But for now, I just want to be with my family.

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